
UK Breastfeeding Trends

The World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative (WBTi) is a collaborative initiative to assess and monitor key breastfeeding policies and programmes (WBTi indicators), all drawn from the WHO Global Strategy and the Innocenti Declaration. It was launched by the International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN) in 2004.

The first WBTi UK report (see media reports here) was launched in Parliament on 15 November 2016.

Currently over 100 countries are participating in the WBTi; the latest global report and details are available online, including the European 18-country report 2020.

Each report lists gaps and recommendations for each indicator to trigger actions that improve support for breastfeeding in that country.

Mothers and babies need the full network of support that is measured by the WBTi.

Follow the news and discussion on Twitter @wbtiUK and on our Facebook page.

Latest blogs

WBTi is at BFN Conference 2023!

We are delighted to have been invited to present an overview of the WBTi UK project to the 2023 Breastfeeding Network Conference! Check back on our blog, or sign up to the blog for notifications, to get all the advocacy links we talk about. See you there!

‘Let’s make breastfeeding work – optimal maternity leave and workplace accommodations support an environment that enables breastfeeding’

August 1-7th marks the World Breastfeeding Week. The theme is ‘Let’s make breastfeeding and work, work!’ The benefit of breastfeeding to health, the economy, work and the environment is widely documented. However, the UK remains one of the countries in the world with the lowest breastfeeding rate. Although 81% of mothers set out to breastfeed, only 1% of babies in the…

The Defence Breastfeeding Network

When you think of the UK Armed Forces, many of our minds will go to an infantry soldier fighting stoically on the battlefield, or perhaps bearskins guarding the King at the palace. Not many people think of breastfeeding mother. But we do have them. The Defence Breastfeeding Network launched in June 2020, to support breastfeeding…

Shared Parental Leave policy failing to make Breastfeeding and Work, Work 

Shared parental le­­­ave is a policy that was introduced in the UK in 2014 with the aim of giving parents more choice and flexibility in how they care for their child in the first year. However, it means that the mother would have to share part of her maternity leave with her partner. This would reduce…


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The WBTi UK Core Group for the 2016 Report

  • Department of Health 
  • Public Health England 
  • Northern Ireland Regional Breastfeeding Lead
  • Scotland Maternal and Infant Nutrition Coordinator
  • Child and Maternal Health Observatory (ChiMat) 
  • National Infant Feeding Network (NIFN)
  • Unicef UK Baby Friendly Initiative